This is an unforgettable experience we were so lucky and thanks to our guides we managed to see over 30 dolphins. They were swimming really close to the boat and then we got to see them working together to catch fish. It was so incredible, the boat was sturdy, fast with comfortable seats and the guide and skipper were really knowledgeable and very engaging. Fantastic online booking service, would highly recommend.
(Traduzido pelo Google)
Esta é uma experiência inesquecível que tivemos muita sorte e graças aos nossos guias conseguimos avistar mais de 30 golfinhos. Eles estavam nadando bem perto do barco e então pudemos vê-los trabalhando juntos para pescar. Foi tão incrível, o barco era robusto, rápido, com assentos confortáveis e o guia e o capitão eram realmente experientes e muito envolventes. Fantástico serviço de reservas online, recomendo.